Student Affiliation
The Gem Academy offers students a chance to earn affiliate commissions. That's right. Your positive recommendations can earn you money if it results in a sale of a course within 6 months of your course purchase.
Word of mouth is strong and, quite frankly, I would rather reward students that praise my work than pay for advertising. What better way to do this than to give students a percentage of any course sales that result from their recommendations? Students will earn 10% of the profits of each course sale that is generated through their unique affiliate link within 6 months of their own course purchase. Let's have a look at the small print:
1. How much commission can students earn?
The commission rate is 10% of the sale price - fees (total price minus, taxes, VAT and website fees). There is no limit to how much commission can be earned as long as all sales are processed within the time limit detailed in point 4.
2. How are students paid for recommendations?
All courses are run on the course platform Teachable. Teachable is responsible for paying affiliate commissions and they automatically keep track of enrolments through student affiliate links.
Important: Students can only receive commissions if they have a Paypal account that is linked to teachable. This is a simple set up. Affiliate payouts are sent to the PayPal account that the student links to Teachable. If a transaction was not attributed to an affiliate (ie. if a course not purchased through the affiliate link or within the cookie period) , it is not possible to retroactively attribute the commission to the affiliate.
3. When will commissions be paid?
Teachable pays student affiliates in USD on the first of every month (or the next business day if the 1st is on a weekend or US holiday) according to teachable's Monthly Payment Gateway schedule. Due to Teachable’s 30-day refund policy, Teachable must hold funds for at least 30 days before releasing them. For example, on March 1st, you would receive a payment for all sales that took place in January. Then, on April 1st, you would be paid for sales made in February, and so on.
4. How long is an affiliate link active?
The unique affiliate link is active for 30-days after the student has purchased a course. Any purchases made through this affiliate link after this time are invalid and will not generate commissions. This is due to "cookies". See point 5 for more information.
5. Cookies and limitations
"Cookies" are used to save user information. On Teachable, a cookie is created whenever a user clicks an affiliate link, regardless of whether or not they purchase the course at that moment. This cookie will exist for 30 days after the link is clicked; however, commissions on cookies will only be paid up to 30 days after the affiliate link was created (see point 4).
In practical terms, this means that even if someone clicks an affiliate’s link, leaves the site, and returns to purchase later—the sale will still be counted towards your affiliate commissions (as long as the user is on the same device and browser, has not cleared their cache, is within the cookie period, and is within the first 30 days after the affiliate's course purchase). If two students give their unique affiliate links to the same person and a sale is made- the attribution will go to the affiliate that most recently marketed towards the student. This is because cookies can overwrite each other, and even if there is a pre-existing cookie that has not expired—a newly created cookie will take precedence.
5. Are commissions earnt on payment plans?
Commissions to student affiliates are only paid for the first payment when a payment plan is purchased.
6. Can students earn commissions for the sale of any course?
Yes. The affiliate link is valid for any course purchase from THE GEM ACADEMY. The amount of commission is the same as stated in point 1, and the time limitations from point 4 still apply.
7. Rules of affiliation
The one universal rule of affiliate links is that it should not be a secret that you will earn a commission off your recommendation. If you intend to post your link in a public forum E.g. on a blog or on social media, you must state that it is an affiliate link.
THE GEM ACADEMY and Julia Griffith reserve the right to amend this student affiliate offer at any time.